Nex Quant

See how you performed
against the market.

The Brief

With its’ imminent product launch, NEX Quant Analytics gives customers access to their exclusive benchmark trading data. We worked closely with the business to develop a strong proposition that we would build the campaign upon.

Product Launch Brochure & Website Design
Exhibition Design 

Our Response
Today, data drives almost every decision in the world’s financial markets. But not all data is equal. Our campaign focussed on the exclusive ‘Performance enhancing data’ that would enable traders to see their individual performance, benchmark their performance relative to that of the market and enhance their future performance. The campaign was launched with direct mail and at industry events where ‘performance enhancing smoothies’ and an onscreen demo – on a transparent LCD screen – attracted exactly the attention it deserved.
Ruth Howell, NEX Account Manager
“NEX Quant Analytics is an extremely powerful product – and ‘Performance enhancing data’ has been key to it’s success. Incredibly well received by both the business and customers this campaign demonstrates that if a concept is built on strong, relevant and impactful messaging – it really will hit its target audience, hard.”
New Business

Pink Green
Fora | Thames Tower
Station Road
Reading RG1 1LX

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